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Crystal Bowl Healing Circle in Sequim, WA

By Josslyn Streett, Reiki Master/Teacher for Rain Shadow Reiki in Sequim, WA

Last week we had a special treat in our small town of Sequim, WA.  (Sk-wim)  A new couple who moved to Sequim from Texas recently hosted a crystal bowl introduction and healing circle.  Pat Coughlin Mawson is a certified Hypnotherapist and apparently her and her husband also have a passion for sound healing.  They’ve only been here four months and are already holding community events.  I’m very excited about sound healing and have wonderful memories from the powerful singing bowl healing I had in Sedona, AZ eight years ago.  So, even though my mom was visiting, I felt strongly that I needed to attend this healing session.  Luckily my mom was pretty open to a new experience and decided to come with me, along with eleven Reiki friends.

Me with my mom.  I'm playing the quartz crystal bowl which everyone kept saying sounded like it was talking.  This was my first time successfully playing the singing bowls.  Once I got a few tips, it was quite easy.  There were six bowls total and two of them were very large.  If I couldn't tell if my bowl was 'working' I'd hold the balloon up close and could feel the vibrations of the balloon much easier.I could hear the bowls that were not near me easier than the one I was playing.
Me with my mom. I’m playing the quartz crystal bowl which everyone kept saying sounded like it was talking. This was my first time successfully playing the singing bowls. Once I got a few tips, it was quite easy. There were six bowls total and two of them were very large. If I couldn’t tell if my bowl was ‘working’ I’d hold the balloon up close and could feel the vibrations of the balloon much easier. I could hear the bowls that were not near me easier than the one I was playing.  Their sound and vibrations were brilliant and powerful and just plain lovely to be around.

What a fabulous evening it was.  I’m so inspired I am now on the hunt for the perfect quartz crystal singing bowl for my Reiki room.  I can’t wait to incorporate this into my healing sessions along with my drum.  I have said it before, my guides have been giving me messages for the last couple of years that sound healing is the healing of the future.  I am starting now!  More about how it felt, continue reading.

Healing Power of Crystal Singing Bowls

from pamphlet by Pat Coughlin-Mawson, C.Ht.

Crystal singing bowls are made of pure quartz.  The human body has many crystalline structures, such as our bones, DNA, and blood.  These structures have a natural resonance with quartz.  Even our cells contain silica, the same substance found in quartz.  These natural affinities make these crystal singing bowls naturally healing to our bodies.  Quartz crystal singing bowls, unlike their Tibetan counterparts, can also be tuned to a specific note.  This makes them perfect for sound healing and the balancing of specific chakras.

Research on Healing with Sound

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, the Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York, has done extensive research on singing bowls and their effects on the body and emotions.  He has found, we are bombarded with disharmony on a daily basis.  We all have a natural inner harmony.  But, every day, day in and day out, we are exposed to disharmony-loud noises, horns honking, people yelling, doors slamming, and on and on.  All these noises generate vibrations which our body feels.  disharmony is inevitable.  If we return harmony to our body, our lives can be transformed.  Singing bowls show astounding results for helping bring harmony back to our bodies.  Dr. Gaynor has used singing bowls with his patients with astounding results.  A diagnosis of cancer can create an extraordinary fear in a patient.  When Dr. Gaynor treats them with singing bowls, they are suddenly relieved of their fear and able to live in the moment.  He has seen marital problems, job related stress or illness relieved.  Everything in our lives can be transformed when we are in harmony.

For more about Dr. Gaynor’s research and sound healing look into his book The Healing Power of Sound.  I got it for about $9 on Amazon used.  


Many of the people were able to put their feet in the bowls and feel the vibrations throughout their whole body.  My friend Gigi  did this and said it tickled.  I heard others say that they felt vibrations radiating through their entire being all at the same time.
Many of the people were able to put their feet in the bowls and feel the vibrations throughout their whole body. My friend Gigi did this and said it tickled. I heard others say that they felt vibrations radiating through their entire being all at the same time.

The crystal singing bowls is one of those healings that you just have to experience for yourselves.  Pat and her husband plan to do these healings once per quarter if you’d like to get on their email list.  Or get on mine and I’ll forward the event updates to you.  We all got a chance to sit in the center of all the bowls going all at once.  I could hear each of them in their own magnificent way and feel the vibrations coming from all sides.  I could feel it through my whole body at times, at other times I could feel it working in my chakras.  It was intense.  I felt my chakras opening up, I felt the healing energy moving through me and I felt myself fill with such gratitude  that I started to tear up and weep.  This often happens for me when I feel such powerful gratitude coming from Divine healing.  It is the greatest, fullest, most loving feeling I have experienced.  So magnificent and helps me feel one with our Divine Source.

Run Your Reiki Too

Of course, I bring my Reiki and my Reiki guides with me to any healing session. I typically activate the Reiki prior to going in or if I forget, I’ll do it before the session begins.  The Reiki surrounds me with spiritual power so I can bring in the best and most beautiful of the vibrations and let go of all the ‘old’ and unneeded energy.  The Reiki brings in powerful Divine protection to make sure I don’t take on any energy from other people in the group and to make sure that all ‘old’ energy that leaves me goes to the highest and best place possible for healing.  I send mine to Mother Earth or to the Angels to take it to Heaven to be “recycled” into love again. The Reiki also fills and surrounds me with spiritual support; intuitive ideas, guidelines, visions and suggestions for getting the most out of my experience.  Such as, which intention to work with, when exactly my chakras are open and ready to move into the center for healing, etc.  Reiki is with me throughout the whole experience making sure it is ALL IN PERFECT  DIVINE ORDER and that I leave feeling blissful and healed.  This is a particularly important step if you are a sensitive person.

Experiencing or Buying a Singing Bowl

I recommend, just like with stones, finding a place that sells bowls if you want to try them.  Play them all that are available to play and get a feel for the vibration.  If you want to purchase one, choose with your intuition.  Choose the one that you are drawn to the most.  Walk away for a bit and look at other things in the store.  The bowl that you keep thinking about, that is YOUR bowl.  If you do not have a place near by and want to purchase one off of the internet, again, use your intuition to select a site to buy from.  Pray to your Reiki guides or directly to your Higher Power to make sure they send you the perfect bowl for your healing.  Put emotion into it, let Divine know how you want to use the bowl and why you want it and TRUST that what you get is perfect for you and your needs.

I pray many of you get to experience these beautiful healing tools.  You may just fall in love like I did.

Reiki Blessings to you all,

Josslyn or 360-460-7829


5 thoughts on “Crystal Bowl Healing Circle in Sequim, WA

  1. So wish I could be there for the Crystal Bowl healing. Send some vibrations to Texas. Hug to you, Susie

  2. good vibrations that is! lol

  3. You would have loved it Susie!! Tune into our drumming this Saturday night when we have Healing Drum Circle. Gigi and I will put you in the center for healing. And, very soon, you and I will book our time together over the phone. Blessings, Joss

  4. This is a really good blog about the crystal bowls and a nice picture.  Do you have a place in Sequim that you can buy your bowl?  If you do the internet how can you listen to them?  Have fun.  Love Mom

  5. I’m going to Orcas Island soon for a sound healing class. I’ve been told they will have the singing bowls there to play and choose. If it is meant to be, I’ll find the perfect one for me and I’ll know because I’ll get messages from my guides that it either is or is not the correct time to buy and the correct bowl for me. The may have them at Phoenix Rising too, in PT but I haven’t looked for them before so I’m not sure. If you must buy them on the internet then you simply trust your intuition and your guides without playing them. I do most of my decision making with trust and faith in my guides and my inner knowing. I have found it works best that way, makes my life easier too. Blessings, we enjoyed your visit!!

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